Thursday, June 16, 2011


Well, things have been in a state of confusion of late, a fact that I won't delve into at all really. Suffice to say, Incarceri 9 has been put almost completely on hold, and my solo project Morktra has come to the forefront. I have finished writing all the songs and done a lot of the recording for the first full length record. I have gone back and forth on exactly what I want for the songs, whether to let them stand as is or add more instruments to them using synth and drum sounds. I have decided to leave some just with guitar and vocal, and others to add electronic music to. Here is a playlist of some songs I have on youtube, some are covers, and and the rest originals that will be on the album. The name of the album will be We Are Oblivion, and will be approximately 14 songs. The release date will be announced, but I don't lke to rush things.

Other than that, just trying to make it through this drama filled place called life the best I can and eeking out the most pleasure and creativity I can from it. I will leave you with a webcam video of me playing the last Morktra song I wrote entitled Complete.

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